Line profiles of thePαandPβtransitions in He ii and broadening of C iv lines at high electron densities

Line shapes of Pα (λ=4686 Å) and Pβ (λ=3203 Å) of He i i and of some C i v lines are analyzed for plasmas in the parameter range 1023 m3Ne≤5×1023 m3 and kTe≤11 eV for the electron density and temperature. The light source is a gas-liner pinch, a quite new device, which is optimized to produce a homogeneous test plasma. The light emission of helium and carbon takes place only from a very limited region of the central plasma. The spectral lines are analyzed with respect to the line broadening and the He i i lines additionally to the asymmetry. For the investigation of the C i v lines, transitions were selected which came from different upper energy levels and which were broad and intense enough for a reliable measurement. They cover the wavelength region 948 to 5805 Å. By comparing the results with different theories, it is found that the experimental values are about a factor of 2 higher than the theoretical ones.