Extracellular recordings were made from single auditory afferents in the isolated half‐head of the turtle, and changes in their acoustic sensitivity were examined following electrical stimulation of the efferent fibres to the basilar papilla. Short trains of efferent shocks caused a prolonged elevation of the pure tone thresholds of the auditory afferents and an abolition of their spontaneous activity. These changes could be demonstrated in a majority of recordings and without antidromic firing of the afferent. The amount of desensitization increased steeply with shock number and a train of ten closely spaced shocks could elevate the threshold at the most sensitive or characteristic frequency by four orders of magnitude. Desensitization also occurred with single efferent shocks at repetition frequencies exceeding 25/s. Discharge rate versus sound pressure functions were constructed for a number of afferents. The maximum slope of the functions, and the saturated firing rates were both reduced by efferent stimulation; there was also an over‐all shift of the rate‐intensity function to higher stimulus levels. Such effects would enable the afferent to signal a wider range of sound pressures. Efferent stimulation caused a broadening of the afferent frequency‐threshold curves by removal of the narrowly‐tuned region around the characteristic frequency. We suggest that the loss in tuning and concomitant improvement in temporal resolution may be a functionally important consequence of efferent action.