We have investigated the Raman, infrared, and EPR spectra of CeF3 in a search for the excited crystal-field levels of the 4f1 configuration in this compound. While this can be achieved routinely for the F7/22 levels between 2100 and 2900 cm1, problems arise for the F5/22 levels because of a strong interaction between the electronic states and the near-resonant optical phonons. Pure electronic crystal-field states obviously do not exist in this range, but are hybridized with optical phonons and additional, new vibronic states are found in the wave-number regions of the expected crystal-field levels. A tentative model of a local Jahn-Tellertype 4f-electronphonon interaction is studied, but only qualitative agreement with the experimental results can be obtained. Approximate values for the wave numbers of the uncoupled crystal-field states are given. An extrapolation of existing values of crystal-field parameters for the trigonal tysonite structure to CeF3 gives reasonable agreement between calculated crystal-field levels and the findings from experiment for these uncoupled states.