Isolation and characterization of rabbit anti-m32,2,7G antibodies

Antibodies specific for intact 2,2,7-trimethylguanosine (m32,2,7G) were induced by immunization of rabbits with a nucleoside-human serum albumen (HAS) conjugate. Competition radio-immunoassay showed that the antibody distinguishes well between intact m32,2,7G and its alkali-hydrolysed form (m32,2,7G*). Antibody specificity is largely dependent on the presence of all three methyl groups in m32,2,7G: none of the less extensively methylated nucleosides M7G, M2G and m32,2G is able to compete efficiently with the homologous hapten. Little or no competition was observed with m1G, m1A, m6A, m5U and each of the four unmodified ribonucleosides. Binding studies with nucleoplasmic RNAs from Ehrlich ascites cells suggest that the antibody reacts specifically with the m32,2,7G-containing cap structure of the small nuclear U-RNAs (U-snRNAs). Thus the antibody should be a valuable tool for studying the role of the 5'-terminal regions of the U-snRNAs of eukaryotic cells.