Pulse Width Dependence Of Pigment Cell Damage At 694 nm In Guinea Pig Skin

351 nm, 20-nsec XeF excimer laser irradiation has previously been shown to selectively target and damage melanosomes in human skin. In the following studies selective targeting with melanosomal photodisruption has been demonstrated in pigmented guinea pig skin with a Q-switched 40-nsec ruby laser, and a 750-nsec pulsed dye laser but not with a 400-usec pulsed dye laser. The pulse width dependence of melanosomal disruption, occurring only at pulsewidths shorter than the thermal relaxation time of the melanosome (0.5 - 1.0 usec), is in accordance with the theory of selective photothermolysis. Possible mechanisms of melanosomal photodisruption include development of sudden thermal gradients leading to cavitation or shock wave production.