Flow Cytometric Determination of Radiation-Induced Chromosome Damage and Its Correlation with Cell Survival

Chinese hamster M3-1 [bone marrow fibroblast] cells were irradiated with several doses of X-rays or .alpha. particles from 238Pu. Propidium iodide-stained chromosome suspensions were prepared at different times after irradiation; cells were also assayed for survival. The DNA histograms of these chromosomes showed increased background counts with increased doses of radiation. This increase in background was cell-cycle dependent and was correlated with cell survival. The correlation between radiation-induced chromosome damage and cell survival was the same for X-rays and .alpha. particles. Flow cytometric analysis of chromosomes of irradiated cell populations evidently can be a useful adjunct to classical cytogenic analysis of irradiation-induced chromosomal damage by virtue of its ability to express and measure chromosomal damage not seen by classical cytogenic methods.