Effect of Gamma Radiation on the Reproductive Potential of the Mexican Fruit Fly

Emergence of the Mexican fruit fly (Anastrepha ludens)was normal at all gamma radiation levels from 1 to 12 thousand r, when puparia developing at about 77[degree] F. were 12 days old when treated. Both sexes of adults were sterile when the dosage was 5000 r. Young treated males appeared to be normal in mating behavior, but older males, from 30 to 39 days old, were not as aggressive. Overflooding with sterile flies at ratios of 5, 10, 25 or 50 to 1 caused substantial reductions in the fertility of eggs produced by normal populations of caged flies. Preliminary trials of the sterile-male eradication procedure have been initiated in semi-isolated host areas in Morelos, Mexico.

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