Phylogenetic analyses of 33 genera of Rubiaceae were performed using morphological and a few chemical characters. Parsimony analysis based on 29 characters resulted in eight equally parsimonious trees, with a consistency index of 0.40 and a retention index of 0.69. These results were compared to a phylogenetic analysis of the same genera based on chloroplast DNA restriction site data. There are discrepancies between the two analyses, but if we consider groupings reflected in the present classification there is much congruency. With the exception of four genera, all the genera are positioned in the same group of taxa in the two analyses. Clades of taxa representing three of the four subfamilies (~the Antirheoideae, ~the Rubioideae, and the ~Ixoroideae) are monophyletic, while the fourth subfamily Cinchonoideae is shown to be paraphyletic. Both analyses support a widened tribe Chiococceae, including the former subtribe Portlandiinae (Condamineeae). Furthermore, in both analyses the tribe Hamelieae is placed outside the subfamily Rubioideae where it is now housed. In search for the most plausible sister group to the Rubiaceae, the genus Cinchona (Rubiaceae) was analyzed together with 13 genera of the Loganiaceae, Nerium (Apocynaceae), and Exacum (Gentianaceae). Cornus (Comaceae), Olea (Oleaceae), and these two genera together were used as outgroups. The analysis, including 25 characters, 16 taxa, and with Cornus and Olea together as an outgroup, resulted in four equally parsimonious trees, with a consistency index of 0.53 and a retention index of 0.62. The non‐Loganiaceae taxa Cinchona (Rubiaceae), Nerium (Apocynaceae), and Exacum (Gentianaceae) were all found to have their closest relatives within the Loganiaceae indicating that the Loganiaceae are paraphyletic and ought to be reclassified. As a result of the morphological data the most plausible sister group to the Rubiaceae is the tribe Gelsemieae of the Loganiaceae.
Funding Information
  • Swedish Natural Science Research Council (B-BU 1487-302)