This study investigated the occurrence of think-time, the amount of time which occurs following a teacher-posed question, during reading comprehension instruction for third grade above average, average, and below average reading groups. Nine third grade teachers volunteered to participate in the investigation. Three reading group structures were operant in all classrooms and basal readers were used for all the reading comprehension lessons. Audio tapes of the lessons were analyzed for think-time and question level. The results revealed that the average and below average groups were asked significantly more text-based than scriptal questions while the above average groups received a more balanced proportion of text-based (53%) and scriptal (47%) questions. On the average teachers asked students a question every 43 seconds and approximately one second of think-time occurred following teacher-posed questions. Of most concern was the finding that significantly more think-time was allowed for text- based questions than for scriptal questions. These findings are discussed in light of current theories of reading and directions for future research are indicated.