Group Therapy with Sexually Abused Adolescents

The sexually abused adolescent girl is attempting to cope with a disturbing past, threatening present, and disrupted future. She may also be feeling cut off or different from her friends at a time when, developmentally, peer contact is vital. This paper describes a group therapy experience offered to six 13 and 14 year old abuse victims in order to help them feel better about themselves, improve their social skills and reconnect with others their own age. The group focused on the girl's present, everyday functioning and the effects the family disturbances and abuse have had on them. The male and female co-therapists attempted to create an atmosphere of trust and mutual aid; discussions centered on the relationships among group members and the connections the girls make with their important others, including family, friends, and social agencies. As the sessions progressed, four main themes of concern emerged; the girls shared feelings of violation, loss, anger and, finally, hope for their future. The paper illustrates these themes, delineates some of the girls’ group experiences, and changes they underwent, and points out some organizational issues for the therapists in running this type of group.

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