Lesions in Muscle in Arthritis

These authors describe the characteristic histopathology found in biopsy material from the muscles of 10 typical cases of rheumatoid arthritis. The lesions consisted of perivascular cellular reactions in the muscles themselves, and paravascular lesions in the fibrous and fatty supporting connective tissue. Similar changes were found in active and quiescent cases, whether or not they had been treated by gold. Thus, the findings of Curtis and Pollard were confirmed. These authors found small perivascular infiltrations with lymphocytes in the corium of the skin and in the muscles in 11 cases of rheumatoid arthritis. These typical findings were not present in 196 controlled cases including examination of muscle from cases of various nervous and muscular diseases reported by Steiner, Freund, et al. The authors conclude that the diagnostic value of biopsy in the pre-arthritic state, when wasting and pain precede definite joint changes, is a matter requiring further study, as the arthritis may possibly prove to be secondary to soft tissue involvement.