A New Tracheostomy Tube

Recent publications show that severe damage to the trachea is still a problem with high-volume, low-pressure cuffs. The NL tracheostomy tube was used in 85 patients for 3 days to 2 mo. (mean 16 days). This tube has a high-volume, low-pressure cuff with automatic regulation of the cuff pressure at 3 kPa [Pascal]. The tube has a flexible tip. Fiberoptic examination at extubation showed minimal damage to the tracheal mucosa: 33 patients had normal mucosa and the rest had hyperemia and/or fibrin formation. Four patients had ulcerations from suction catheters and 4 patients had small, superficial ulcerations produced by the tip of the tube. Of these last 4 patients, 3 had skin flaps that exerted pressure on the tube. Severe tracheal damage was prevented due to the combiantion of automatic regulation of cuff pressure and a flexible tip of the tube.