Anisotropic Rescaling of a Splayed Pinning Landscape in Hg Cuprates: Strong Vortex Pinning and Recovery of Variable Range Hopping

Strong vortex pinning by fission-induced uniformly splayed columnar tracks in anisotropic mercury cuprates is demonstrated to result from (re)scaling of the pinning landscape by a large superconducting anisotropy. The effective “narrowing” of the splay distribution restores variable range vortex hopping (VRH) motion expected for nearly parallel pins. VRH emerges as a distinctive peak in the vortex creep rate ( 12% at low fields at T/Tc0.5) of the most anisotropic HgBa2Ca2Cu3O8+δ, a peak well described by a glassy dynamics with the characteristic exponent μ1/3.