Synthesis and properties of polyesters of isomeric poly(oxynaphthyleneoxy‐2‐bromoterephthaloyl)s

A series of aromatic polyesters were prepared from 2‐bromoterephthalic acid and naphthalenediol isomers. Only the polymers obtained from 1,4‐, and 1,5‐ and 2,6‐naphthalenediols were thermotropic nematogens and those from bent naphthalenediols were not liquid crystalline. Only the polyesters derived from 1,4‐, 1,5‐, and 2,6‐naphthalenediols were semicrystalline. The melting temperatures ranged from 319 to 374°C depending on the structure of naphthalenediol moiety. The glass transition temperature, Tg, ranged from 95 to 168°C. TGA studied revealed that the polyesters have fairly good thermal stability