Action Spectrum for the Timing of Photo‐Induced Cell Division in Adiantum Gametophytes

The photo‐induced cell division in single‐celled protonemata of the fern Adiantum capillus‐veneris was studied. When the protonemata were exposed to monochromatic light at 50 nm intervals between 350 and 750 nm, irradiations in the blue and near‐ultraviolet regions effectively induced cell division, while wavelengths longer than 550 nm showed no such effect. As reciprocity between duration and intensity was observed within the range of incident energy used, the action spectrum for the frequency of the photo‐induced cell divisions 24 h after irradiation was determined between 360 and 510 nm at 10 nm intervals. Furthermore, the previously known effect of phytochrome on the timing of the cell division was minimized by a short exposure to red light given immediately after the monochromatic irradiation. The resulting action spectra showed a peak in the neighborhood of 460 nm with shoulders and another peak in the near‐ultraviolet region.