Gas bacillus infection of the liver and biliary tract has been reported many times. In a perusal of the available literature, I have not found a case in which gas formation around the gallbladder was noted during life. Kirchmayr reported an interesting case of gas bacillus infection within the gallbladder, the walls of which showed emphysematous blebs.1 In the case presented, gas in increasing volume was demonstrated both clinically and roentgenologically in relation to the gallbladder. The gas present at the time of operation was proved by culture to be due to an unusual gas bacillus resembling the Bacillus welchii.2 In all case reports of emphysema of the liver, the presence of gas was first noted post mortem. It is interesting that invariably there was an associated chronic cholangeitis, usually with cholelithiasis. From a microscopic study of the liver and biliary system in cases of "Schaumleber," Stolz3