Percutaneous drainage of renal and perirenal abscesses: results in 30 patients.

The purpose of this study was to determine the efficacy of percutaneous drainage of renal and perirenal abscesses. Thirty-two abscesses, 10 renal and 22 renal with perirenal extension, in 30 patients (16 female, 14 male; age range, 5-83 years), were drained percutaneously. Twenty-one patients had had surgery recently and/or were immunosuppressed. Ten of the 13 postoperative patients had had surgical procedures involving the urinary tract. Size of the abscesses ranged from 10 to 650 ml, and all were drained via CT or fluoroscopic guidance. The type of drainage catheter used depended on the size of the abscess. Complications were unusual. A transient febrile episode without sequelae within the first 12 hr of catheter placement was the most common complication. All patients had their abscess catheter placed while in the hospital; 12 (40%) subsequently were followed up (2-50 days) as outpatients until their catheters were removed without complications. Percutaneous drainage alone was curative in 20 patients (...