Satisfaction With VA and Non-VA Outpatient Care Among Veterans

This study examines veterans' satisfaction with outpatient care within the context of outpatient user type, race/ ethnicity, and veteran identity. The sample includes 2652 veterans who participated in the VIP 2001 Survey. After controlling for enabling and need characteristics in logistic regression models, Veterans Administration (VA)-only users were 2 to 8 times more satisfied with their outpatient care than were VA nonusers on 5 out of 10 satisfaction measures. White veterans were 1.5 to 3.4 times more satisfied than nonwhite veterans on 8 out of 10 satisfaction measures. Members of veterans' organizations were less satisfied with their outpatient care than nonmembers on 5 out of 10 satisfaction measures. Factors associated with race/ethnicity and veteran identity may be incorporated into interventions to improve VA outpatient care satisfaction.