Deformed helix ferroelectric liquid crystal display: A new electrooptic mode in ferroelectric chiral smectic C liquid crystals

A new electrooptic mode of operation of ferroelectric chiral smectic C liquid crystal displays (LCDs) is proposed and demonstrated. The effect, which is called the deformed helical ferroelectric (DHF) effect, is based on the deformation of the helical structure by weak electric fields. In the unbiased device the smectic layers are arranged in the bookshelf geometry with the helix axis parallel to the electrodes [1]. Systems with a very small pitch (a) low driving fields (1 Vp-pμm−1 for maximum contrast); (b) grey scale which is approximately linear with the applied electric field; (c) easy alignment even for thick cells using standard wall-aligning methods; and (d) response times at room temperature of 300 μs.