Pseudomonas aeruginosa adhesins for tracheobronchial mucin

Mucins of the tracheobronchial tree are preferential sites for adherence and colonization by Pseudomonas aeruginosa. They possess specific receptors for this organism that have amino sugars as their principal constituents. Since mucins probably reflect the receptors on the cellular surfaces, we hypothesized that the bacterial adhesins previously shown to mediate the binding of P. aeruginosa to cells would also mediate bacterial binding to mucins. We therefore tested the roles of the exopolysaccharide from mucoid strains of P. aeruginosa and pili from nonmucoid strains to see whether they are indeed the adhesins for mucins. Using a microtiter plate assay of adherence to mucins, we demonstrated that the mucoid exopolysaccharide bound to mucins and enhanced the adherence of mucoid strains to this substance. Antibodies raised against the exopolysaccharide from a single mucoid strain inhibited the adherence of all mucoid strains tested. Purified pili from nonmucoid strains inhibited the binding of nonmucoid strains but not of mucoid strains. Inhibition of adherence by antibody to pili was quite specific, antibody being able to inhibit only the binding of the homologous nonmucoid strain. These data support our previous observations with tracheal cells, confirming the similarity of the adhesins for respiratory tract cells and the mucins which cover them.