The Influence of Air Pollution on Soluble Proteins, Chlorophyll Degradation, MDA, Sulphur and Heavy Metals in A Transplanted Lichen

The lichen, Punclelia subrudecta (Ny1.) Krog., was transplanted to 10 biomonitoring sites during the period December 1990-March 1991. the total amounts of metals (Mn, Cu, Pb, Zn, Fe and A1) detected in the lichen thalli after the period of exposure, were compared with the chlorophyll degradation, amounts of sulphur, MDA concentrations and soluble protein concentrations in the same material. the MDA content was directly related to the amount of sulphur in the lichen transplanted material. A contamination index (C.I.) was calculated from the amounts of sulphur, chlorophyll-α, phaeophytin-α, and MDA.