The lesions of the small intestine and of the colon which are amenable to surgical treatment may be classified under three main heads. These are: (1)) inflammatory lesions, such as appendicitis, regional enteritis, diverticulitis and ulcerative colitis; (2) obstructive lesions, which may be taken to include the various pathologic types of obstruction, both partial and complete and both simple and strangulated, and (3) neoplasms not producing obstructive symptoms, such as adenocarcinomas, fibrosarcomas, carcinoids, leiomyomas and occasionally lymphoblastomas. It is important to recognize some such classification as this in any general consideration of preoperative and postoperative treatment, since the principles of treatment indicated for all lesions falling in any of the three classes is in many respects the same. IMPORTANCE OF PREOPERATIVE AND POSTOPERATIVE TREATMENT IN LIGHT OF RECENT DEVELOPMENTS The results of recent investigation and research have placed an increased responsibility on the surgeon in his treatment of patients both