Antagonistic Effects of Hydrogen Peroxide and Glutathione on Acclimation to Excess Excitation Energy in Arabidopsis

The redox status of the quinone B (QB) and plastoquinone (PQ) pools plays a key role in the cellular and systemic signalling processes that control acclimatory responses in plants. In this study, we demonstrate the effects of hydrogen peroxide and glutathione on acclimatory responses controlled by redox events in the proximity of the QB‐PQ pools. Our results suggest that the chloroplast is a sink for H2O2 and that, paradoxically, high concentrations of H2O2 in the chloroplast protect the photosynthetic apparatus and the plant cell from photoinhibition and photooxidative damage. Excess glutathione, however, caused an effect antagonistic to that observed for high H2O2. An explanation of this apparent paradox and a hypothetical redox‐signalling model are suggested.