Effect of puromycin treatment on the regeneration of hemisected and transected rat spinal cord

The effect of puromycin on spinal cord regeneration was studied following implantation into the site of spinal cord hemi- or transection of Gel-foam saturated with puromycin (1mM) in a saline carrier, implantation of Gel-foam sponge saturated with saline (carrier control), or lesion alone (lesion control). The spinal cords of 107 rats were studied with light and electron microscopy 7, 14, 30, 60 and 90 days postoperative (DPO). Spinal cord hemisected animals developed a dense cicatrix at the site of lesion replete with connective tissue, blood vessels, and myelinated and unmyelinated nerve fibres which could be traced to peripheral sources. Rostrally at the C.N.S.-cicatrix interface, there were reactive neuroglial cells, occasional nerve fibres and finger-like projections of spinal cord (due to cavitation lesions) which contained neuroglia, axons and dendrites. Implantation of saline in Gel-foam resulted in the same morphology as in hemisected animals except for increased lesion size due to mechanical factors and decreased cicatrix density during the first 30 DPO. Puromycin treatment resulted in a cicatrix with initial decreased cell density but which contained a new class of nerve fibres at 30 DPO. These nerve fibres were oriented in a rostro—caudal direction, were unmyelinated, 0.1–0.2 μm in diameter and had expanded smooth endoplasmic reticulum. Some of these nerve fibres were degenerating at 30 DPO and all were absent by 60 DPO. The puromycin-treated spinal cord within 200 μm rostral to the basal lamina contained nerve terminal conglomerates, which resembled boutons, in fascicles from 30–90 DPO (duration of experiment). Hemisection of the spinal cord by crushing 1-11/2 segments rostral to the site of puromycin implantation at 30 DPO resulted in degeneration of these nerve fibres in the cicatrix as well as the degeneration of nerve terminal conglomerates just rostral to the basal lamina. The regenerative capacity of the spinal cord is discussed in relationship to these findings.