THE FOLLOWING review regarding the urological complications after abdominoperineal resection of the rectum or rectosigmoid is based on a review of 105 patients operated on. The authors have attempted to formulate a set of conclusions from this review which they hope may serve as an aid in preventing the urological complications most frequently associated with this operation. All resections of the rectum were done for carcinoma, except in two patients. One operation was performed on a paraplegic for severe ulcerative colitis and the other for an extensive benign polyposis of the rectum. Two series of patients were studied. The first group was evaluated on the basis of a two-year postoperative follow-up examination. The second group was followed through completely from the preoperative and postoperative examinations over a one and one-half year postoperative period. In the first series, 49 patients came to surgery in the two-year period of 1947 and 1948.