Optimal hematocrit for canine skeletal muscle during rhythmic isotonic exercise

Contractile power, blood flow, O2-uptake. and O2-extraction during isotonic, rhythmic exercise were determined in the isolated canine gastrocnemius muscle during perfusion with blood with hematocrits between 0.21 and 0.81. The results obtained in 36 measurements on nine muscles showed that maximal O2-delivery to the muscle is found at hematocrits between 0.5 and 0.6. Both in the range of hemodilution, and in the range of extreme hemoconcentration, O2-delivery decreases significantly. O2-consumption and contractile power of the muscles are almost unaffected in the hematocrit range between 0.4 and 0.7; beyond and below this hematocrit range both parameters decrease. O2-extraction is virtually constant in the hematocrit range between 0.3 and 0.6, but increases both below and above these hematocrit levels. It is concluded that due to reduced vasodilatory reserve in working skeletal muscle compared to resting muscle the optimal hematocrit is shifted to higher values.