Agranulocytosis has proved to be the most serious toxic effect of thiouracil in the treatment of hyperthyroidism. The corrective and preventive action of a factor present in liver extracts against granulocytopenia and leukopenia in animals produced by the administration of sulfonamides, thiourea or thiouracil has been reported. Sebrell and Daft have identified the corrective factor as folie acid, using crystalline folie acid preparations in their experiments. Since crystalline folie acid became available in adequate quantities in November 1945, a number of patients receiving thiouracil treatment in the wards or in the Thyroid Clinic of the Johns Hopkins Hospital have been given relatively large quantities of a crystalline folie acid (lot no. 7-5843 Lederle) as a prophylactic measure, In addition, several patients who had developed leukopenia, neutropenia or agranulocytosis while taking thiouracil without folie acid were given large amounts of folie acid as a therapeutic measure. Van Winkle and his associates

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