The incoherent scatter radar located at Søndre Strømfjord, Greenland, obtained E and F region measurements during the first Lower Thermosphere Coupling Study (LTCS 1), September 21–26, 1987. Lower thermospheric neutral winds deduced from these measurements show that the neutral dynamics are influenced by both tidal oscillations and magnetospheric forcing. During an interval which was relatively quiet geomagnetically, September 23–24, a semidiurnal oscillation dominated the neutral motion. The model equinox tidal amplitudes and phases of Forbes (1982) for the diurnal tide are roughly in agreement with the observed diurnal oscillation for the first four days of the experiment. Vertical variations in the observed diurnal phases are consistent with the results of Forbes and Hagan (1988) and may provide evidence of dissipation of the propagating (1, 1) tidal mode. The semidiurnal motion observed during this period is not well represented by the recent theoretical results for the amplitude and phase of the semidiurnal tide (Forbes and Vial, this issue). Neutral winds obtained during a geomagnetically active interval, September 25–26, displayed a flow pattern that was significantly distorted from that observed during the preceding, relatively quiet interval. Although the changes in the zonal winds throughout this active interval were consistent with the direction of the ion drag force at 115 km and above, the variations in the meridional winds suggest that other forces, such as pressure gradients driven by Joule heating, need to be considered to explain the observations.