Changes in carbon and oxygen isotope composition during limestone diagenesis

The calcite fossils of the Derbyhaven Beds, Isle of Man, have δ13C values (+ 1·8 PDB) similar to modern, shallow‐water marine skeletons, but the δ18O values (−6·1 PDB) are much lighter than modern skeletons. The light oxygen values indicate either re‐equilibration with isotopically light water before cementation started, or Carboniferous sea water with δ18O of −6‰. Aragonite dissolution was followed by precipitation of zoned calcite cement. In this cement, up to six intracrystalline zones, recognized in stained thin sections, show isotopic variation. Carbon varies from + 3‐8 to + 1‐2‰. and oxygen from − 2‐6 to − 12‐4‰. with decreasing age of the cement. This trend is attributed to increasing temperature and to isotopic evolution of the pore waters during burial. The zoned calcite is sequentially followed by dolomite and kaolinite cements which continue the trend towards light isotopic values. This trend is continued with younger, fault‐controlled dolomite, and is terminated by vein‐filling calcite and dolomite. The younger calcite, interpreted as a near‐surface precipitate from meteoric waters, is unrelated to the older sequence of carbonates and has distinctly different carbon isotope ratios: δ13C − 6‐8‰.