Summary: Results are presented of velocity and pressure measurements made in the initially laminar boundary layer in a streamwise corner formed by two flat plates at 90° to each other set at various incidences. The leading edges of the plates were sharp in contrast to earlier tests with an aerofoil type leading edge. It was found impossible to obtain a steady enough flow for useful measurements to be made at zero incidence and pressure gradient, a small incidence associated with a favourable pressure gradient was necessary. This is believed to be because of the development of separation bubbles at the sharp leading edge at very small incidences due to small variations of flow direction to be expected in a wind tunnel. The profiled nose used in earlier tests afforded flow conditions much closer to the ideal theoretical model involving zero pressure gradient, but it is argued that any nose however shaped may introduce disturbances in the form of characteristic secondary flows that may well determine the downstream response of the boundary layer. In any case the corner flow is highly unstable at all but very low Reynolds numbers, and in the absence of a region of favourable pressure gradient a Reynolds number in terms of distance downstream of the leading edge greater than about 105is unlikely to be attained in practice with the flow remaining smooth and laminar.