Tolerance of chloride and sulphate salinity in chickpea (Cicer arietinum)

Chickpea is the most important pulse crop of the arid and semi-arid areas. In India, it is cultivated during winter, depending on soil moisture stored from the preceding summer rain, which is often inadequate to ensure a satisfactory crop.In most such areas, saline ground water is the only source of supplementary irrigation to which chickpea, like other pulses, is highly sensitive (Maas & Hoffman 1977). Field observations indicate (Manchandaet al.1981) that chickpea is more sensitive to chloridedominated than to sulphate-dominated saline water irrigation. Since most saline ground water and saline soils are dominated by chloride or sulphate salts, this study evaluated the effects of these salts on the yield and mineral composition of chickpea at different electrical conductivities. (ECe).