Identification and characterization of tyrosine kinase activity associated with mitochondrial outer membrane in sarcoma 180 cells

Tyrosine protein kinase activity has been detected in the mitochondrial fraction purified from sarcoma 180 tumor cells. Following hypotonic disruption of mitochondria, tyrosine kinase activity appeared to cosediment with monoamine oxidase, marker enzyme of mitochondrial outer membrane; meanwhile, serine and threonine kinases were found to be associated with the inner membrane and matrix of mitochondria. Mitochondrial tyrosine kinase(s) showed thermosensitivity and Mn 2+ dependence, useful properties for its characterization and separation from tyrosine kinases associated with other particulate fractions and from serine and threonine kinases associated with mitochondria. Following in vitro incubation of mitochondria with labelled ATP as substrate and analysis by PAGE, a complex pattern of phosphotyrosine containing proteins with a major band of 50–55 kilo-daltons resulted.