In a recent publication,17 an observation of previously undescribed involuntary eye movements in certain schizophrenics was reported. Earlier references to ocular motion in schizophrenics have included many conflicting conclusions, none of which dealt with the specific eye manifestations here discussed.Thus it had been noted that opticokinetic nystagmus in schizophrenics did not differ from that of normals,15 that their ocular movements were normal,2,3 that there was a reduction of nystagmus in schizophrenics,8 that schizophrenics had an increased incidence of nystagmus,9 and that there was a delay, increased velocity and inaccuracy in fixation in the ocular pursuit movements of schizophrenics.5 Observations We have observed in 50 schizophrenic patients certain eye movements to which we have been unable to find any previous reference. The findings herein described were present only after a relationship in the psychotherapeutic sessions had been established, and