Supersymmetry production from a TeV scale black hole at CERN LHC

If the fundamental Planck scale is near a TeV, then we should expect to see TeV scale black holes at the CERN LHC. Similarly, if the scale of supersymmetry (SUSY) breaking is sufficiently low, then we might expect to see light supersymmetric particles in the next generation of colliders. If the mass of the supersymmetric particle is of order a TeV and is comparable to the temperature of a typical TeV scale black hole, then such sparticles will be copiously produced via Hawking radiation: The black hole will act as a resonance for sparticles, among other things. In this paper we compare various signatures for SUSY production at LHC, and we contrast the situation where the sparticles are produced directly via parton fusion processes with the situation where they are produced indirectly through black hole resonances. We found that black hole resonances provide a larger source for heavy mass SUSY (squark and gluino) production than the direct perturbative QCD-SUSY production via parton fusion processes depending on the values of the Planck mass and black hole mass. Hence black hole production at LHC may indirectly act as a dominant channel for SUSY production. We also found that the differential cross section dσ/dpt for SUSY production increases as a function of the pt (up to pt equal to about 1 TeV or more) of the SUSY particles (squarks and gluinos), which is in sharp contrast with the pQCD predictions where the differential cross section dσ/dpt decreases as pt increases for high pt about 1 TeV or higher. This is a feature for any particle emission from a TeV scale black hole as long as the temperature of the black hole is very high (TeV). Hence the measurement of increase of dσ/dpt with pt for pt up to about 1 TeV or higher for final state particles might be a useful signature for black hole production at LHC.