Cryptosporidiosis in an Immunosuppressed Renal-transplant Recipient with IgA Deficiency

Cryptosporidia are sporozoan parasites that infect epithelial cells of the gastrointestinal tract. Infection with Cryptosporidia has been found most commonly in a variety of animal species and only rarely in man. The authors report a case of an immunosuppressed renal-transplant recipient with IgA deficiency who experienced diarrhea and fever and was found to have Cryptosporidia in a jejunal biopsy specimen and in air-dried smears of the specimen. By electron microscopy, trophozoite, schizont, and macrogamete forms were identified, and these forms had morphologic features similar to those of Cryptosporidia previously found in guinea pigs. Treatment of the Cryptosporidia! infection in this case was with trisulfapyrimidines. The efficacy of this treatment could not be evaluated because of complications.