Yield Components of Wheat Grown under High Temperature Stress during Reproductive Growth

High temperature is a major determinant of wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) development and growth, decreasing yields by 3 to 5% per 1°C increase above 15°C in plants under controlled conditions. Even greater yield differences have been reported between favorable and unfavorable temperature conditions in the field. The objective of this study was to identify the yield components of the hard red winter wheat cultivar Karl 92 that are affected by controlled high temperature during maturation of intact plants under simulated field populations. Plants at a final density of 144 m2 were grown in the greenhouse until anthesis and transferred to growth chambers for temperature treatment. Day/night temperatures of 20/20, 25/20, 30/20, and 35/20°C were imposed from 10 and 15 d after anthesis until ripeness in two experiments, and temperatures of 25/20, 30/20, and 35/20°C were applied from 20 d after anthesis until ripeness in a third experiment. Grain yield was reduced by 78%, kernel number was reduced by 63%, and kernel weight was reduced by 29% at 35/20°C compared with 20/20°C from 10 d after anthesis until ripeness. The yield loss from high temperature applied during this period was much greater than for previous controlled‐environment studies. Kernel numbers in treatments applied during early reproductive growth in our study were as sensitive to high temperature as wheat plants in previous field studies. High temperature applied 15 d after anthesis until ripening reduced grain yield 18%. Since kernel number was set by this time, the loss was exclusively due to decreased kernel weight. High temperature imposed from 20 d after anthesis decreased kernel weight by 18%.