Patterns in hospitals' use of a regional poison information center.

A statewide poison center undertook a study to identify types of hospitals which used its information services. Initial trends in calls from hospitals to the center over the center's first two years and percentages of hospitals' patient caseloads for which the center consulted were analyzed for 104 acute care hospitals by hospitals' location, size, and emergency room staffing. After the center's establishment as a regional resource, emergency room staff in urban teaching hospitals showed the greatest increase in calls within a year (88 per cent) and the highest consultation rates for poison patients seen (57 per cent). Private physician emergency room staff, and staff in distant and rural hospitals, showed lower or no increases in calls and lower consultation rates. Findings suggest that private physician emergency room staff and staff in distant and rural hospitals be considered for poison center outreach. Marketing of consultation services for non-pediatric overdoses is also indicated.

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