Ruby at high pressure. I. Optical line shifts to 156 GPa

We have measured the pressure shifts of the ruby R lines and several surrounding lines to 156 GPa in a quasihydrostatic xenon pressure medium. We fit these lines to a cubic crystal-field scaling theory, including trigonal field distortions and spin-orbit coupling as perturbations. By scaling with volume, rather than pressure, we obtained good agreement with the observed curvature in the line shifts with pressure. Measurements of the R3 line to 140 GPa in a nonhydrostatic environment yielded R3 line shifts similar to those observed in the quasihydrostatic measurements. We also measured the U absorption band shift to 106 GPa in a nonhydrostatic environment and found good agreement with our scaling theory. We infer a U-band–B-line anticrossing near 70 GPa and predict an R3-R line crossing near 200 GPa. The implications of these results to pressure measurements using the ruby pressure scales are discussed.