This paper is concerned with the complications which may be encountered during the following five steps of surgery: (1) exposure of the surgical field, (2) localization of retinal breaks, (3) undermining of scleral flaps and application of diathermy, (4) release of subretinal fluid, (5) tying of mattress sutures and securing the circling band. Most of the complications described can be avoided by exercising proper care if the surgeon is aware of the possible hazards of each stage of the operation. Although these topics are discussed in relation to scleral buckling operations, it is obvious that most of them can also occur during other procedures to repair retinal detachment, since several of the maneuvers described are common to other surgical approaches. Complications During Exposure of the Surgical Field Complications may occur during peritomy, exposure of extraocular muscles, and exposure of the posterior sclera and vortex veins. Peritomy. —The incision of conjunctiva