Karain 1991, Recherches paléolithiques en Turquie du Sud. Rapport provisoire.

The following is a preliminary account of the recent excavations at Karain Cave (Turkey). The top of the sequence contains Epipalaeolithic industries that appear to be disturbed. Below these are various Mousterian levels containing prepared hearths, and which rest on a calcitic crust dated to approximately 120,000 BP. Beneath this crust, and continuing for about twelve more metres, are more industries which are very rich and of Middle Paleolithic aspect. As a group the Mousterian levels are technically similar to Zagros Mousterian assemblages and comparable typologically to fades from the Balkans. Toward the middle of the sequence the industry changes, with a disappearance of faceted platforms and Levallois technique. The base of the sequence is marked by « Clactonian » assemblages. Some human teeth that were found are apparently attributable to Neandertals.