Large‐Scale Production and Cultivation of Hepatocytes on Biosilon Microcarriers

A method for large-scale production of hepatocytes on microcarriers have been developed for the purpose of bioartificial liver support system. Hepatocytes obtained by collagenase treatment of rat liver were efficiently attached and spread on a microcarrier surface in the presence of O2-saturated perfluorodecalin. In order to compare the metabolic activities of hepatocytes under long-term cultivation on microcarriers with those of cells under conventional monolayer culture, some liver-specific functions were investigated. Microcarrier-attached hepatocytes cultured in the absence of serum for 8 days synthesized and secreted albumin and fibronectin. Moreover, hepatocytes on microcarriers retained the ability to conjugate bilirubin for 4-5 days. With respect to these specific metabolic properties, microcarrier-attached hepatocytes were comparable to those from routine dish culture. These results suggest that this method developed for large-scale production of hepatocytes on microcarriers will allow one to obtain metabolically active cells suitable for extracorporeal liver support systems.