Studies on the stability of the higher‐order structure of rat liver chromatin containing high‐mobility‐group proteins

The stability of the higher-order structure of chromatin containing high-mobility-group (HMG) proteins has been studied in rat liver nuclei by mild micrococcal nuclease digestion at low temperature and fractionation by sucrose gradient centrifugation. Nuclei preparation and digestion, chromatin solubilization and analysis have been carried out in two ionic conditions, 140 mM and 40 mM monovalent cation concentration, avoiding drastic changes in ionic conditions and temperature during preparation and analysis. During the time course of digestion at 140 mM ionic strength a material stable at 80 S appears, whose DNA is cleaved at values around 12 nucleosomes. The distribution of HMG proteins in different chromatin fractions was analyzed by immunodot using antibodies elicited against proteins HMG-1, HMG-2, and HMG-14 and 17. It appears that these proteins have a distribution distinctly different from the bulk of chromatin. They are never found in the chromatin fragments that keeps their internucleosomal interactions, indicating that these proteins tends to accumulate in points where the chromatin has a less stable structure.