Effect of adherent cells on the regulation of BFU‐E in patients with myeloproliferative disease

The interaction between adherent cells and red cell progenitors from peripheral blood of patients with polycythemia vera (PV), essential thrombocytosis (ET), and healthy controls was studied. Various combinations of adherent and nonadherent cells were co‐cultured in a semisolid system. Adherent cells from controls, when added at low concentrations, stimulated BFU‐E proliferation, whereas high concentrations (40% of total cells in the culture) caused a significant decrease in the number of BFU‐E colonies in 6/8 PV patients, 4/4 ET patients, and 8/12 controls. On the other hand, low and high concentrations of adherent cells from both patients with PV and ET caused a significant increase in BFU‐E from either patients or controls. Moreover, adherent cells from these patients induced endogenous BFU‐E proliferation (independent of erythropoietin) in nonadherent cells of 12/12 normal controls.The results show that BFU‐E from patients with PV and ET are sensitive to suppression by normal adherent cells. On the other hand, adherent cells from these patients possess stimulatory activity on BFU‐E from peripheral blood at all concentrations and are devoid of the inhibitory activity. This suggests a possible defect in the functioning of adherent cells in PV and ET patients which may contribute to the abnormal regulation of hematopoiesis in these disorders.