Measurement of the Energy Loss of Germanium Atoms to Electrons in Germanium at Energies below 100 keV. II

The amount of energy lost in the production of hole-electron pairs by germanium atoms stopping in a germanium crystal has been measured at energies of 56.2 and 102.9 keV. Inelastic neutron scattering in a Ge(Li) gamma-ray detector was used to produce the 690-keV Ge72 state and the 596-keV Ge74 state. The lines corresponding to the de-excitation of these states were broadened by summing with the hole-electron pairs produced by the recoiling Ge atom. A particular recoil energy was selected by requiring a coincidence with the outgoing inelastically scattered neutron, which was detected by a stilbene recoil counter placed at either 90° or 150° to the incident neutron beam. The results of the present experiment confirm a previous investigation by Chasman, Jones, and Ristinen and do not agree with the published results of Sattler, Vook, and Palms.