Die Verschiedenartigkeit von Haftorganen einiger Flechten

The rhizines of the lichens, Parmelia caperata, Parmelia trichotera and Lobaria pulmonaria were studied with the Stereoscan scanning electronmicroscope and in ultrathin sections with the transmission electronmicroscope. The rhizines are composed of fungal hyphae. The fungal hyphae in the rhizines of the thallus of Parmelia caperata and in the cilia at the thallus border of Parmelia trichotera are connected by a glue-like substance. The ends of the Parmelia caperata rhizines are flattened and enlarged. With these footlike rhizines the thalli are in good connection with the substratum. The cilia at the thallus border of Parmelia trichotera have a tip by which the thallus is fixed on bark or rocks. The cell walls of the fungi hyphae in the Parmelia caperata rhizines and in the Parmelia trichotera cilia are 150–400 nm thick. The rhizines of Lobaria pulmonaria consist of fungi hyphae which are interlaced without a gluey substance. The thallus of Lobaria pulmonaria is connected to the substratum through the tips of single hyphae. The hyphae walls of Lobaria pulmonaria are 800–1800 nm thick.

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