Cardiorespiratory Status of Erythroblastotic Newborn Infants: III. Intravascular Pressures During the First Hours of Life

We measured aortic and central venous pressures beginning soon after birth in 40 prematurely born infants with moderate or severe erythroblastosis fetalis, including 13 with severe and 10 with mild hydrops fetalis. All but four were asphyxiated at birth and this affected intravascular pressures. Before resuscitation, aortic or central venous pressure or both were elevated in more than one third. All but two of the remaining infants had normal initial pressures. Following resuscitation which relieved acidosis, hypoxia, and anemia, but did not reduce blood volume, the high pressures usually fell to normal and occasionally to subnormal levels, normal pressures fell to subnormal in almost one half, and those with initial subnormal pressures remained hypotensive. In all, 40% were hypotensive after resuscitation; treatment with blood volume expanders consistently returned these pressures to normal. Only two of the 13 severely hydropic infants and none of the mildly hydropic had findings indicative of hypervolemia and myocardial failure which persisted after treatment of asphyxia.