The Decomposition of Mercury Dimethyl

The thermal and photochemical decompositions of mercury dimethyl have been studied in presence and absence of hydrogen. The thermal process occurs measurably above 290° in absence of hydrogen and is complex, yielding ethane, methane and carbonaceous products. In presence of hydrogen there is no carbonaceous deposit and methane is predominantly formed with consumption of hydrogen, which accelerates the decomposition. The influence of surface effects has been noted. The photo‐decomposition has been studied from 50–300°C. In absence of hydrogen, ethane is practically exclusively formed up to 200°. In presence of hydrogen, methane is formed at all temperatures, in increasing amounts with increase of temperature. A mechanism based on photo‐decomposition to free methyl radicals with association to yield ethane and reaction with hydrogen to yield methane has been quantitatively determined. For the activation energy CH3+H2=CH4+H a value of 9±2 kcal. has been deduced.