On the investigation of pure x-ray diffraction line breadths in deformed copper

A Geiger counter x-ray diffractometer with nickel filtered and crystal monochromatized CuKα radiation has been used to record (111), (200), (222) and (400) reflections from copper deformed by filing. Pure diffraction line profiles have been recovered by Fourier analysis by Stokes' (1948) method. The sample of filings of copper gave a deformation fault probability α = 3β6 × 10−3 and twin fault probability β' = 0•0067. The faults disappear on annealing the sample at 100°C and the broadening at 100°C and at subsequent temperatures has been attributed to lattice strains and domains. In the cold-worked copper the calculation of the minimum dimension for the fault plane shows that the stacking-fault planes exist over regions considerably greater than the value obtained by the formulae of dislocation theory.