Z,Z Isomers of Sterically Hindered 1,3-Bis(aryl)-1,3-diaza-2-thiaallenes, (ArN )2S, in the Crystal and in Solution
- 1 January 1994
- journal article
- Published by OOO Zhurnal "Mendeleevskie Soobshcheniya" in Mendeleev Communications
- Vol. 4 (4) , 136-137
- https://doi.org/10.1070/mc1994v004n04abeh000385
It has been shown by X-ray structure analysis, 1 H NMR spectroscopy (including NOE) and PM3 calculations that symmetric isomers of the title compounds in the crystal and in solution have a Z , Z configuration stabilized by n N ,π interaction, but not the E,E configuration suggested earlier.Keywords
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