Dermatoglyphic Defects and Rubella Teratogenesis

The dermatoglyphic patterns of 100 children with congenital rubella were studied and compared with those of 100 matched normal controls. There was a statistically significant increase in the incidence of abnormal palmar creases, digital whorl patterns, patterns in interdigital space III, and clinodactyly. The Sydney line, or extended proximal transverse palmar crease was seen in 27 of the patients and was established as an index of abnormality in children born with congenital rubella in New South Wales since 1955. Seventeen patients had simian lines and a total of 41 patients had one or more abnormal palmar creases. Fifty patients had either abnormal palmar creases or eight or more digital whorl patterns. Several mechanisms may cause dermatoglyphic abnormalities in children with congenital rubella.